Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution Programme


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Market Assessment: Surfacing pollution mitigation solutions in East Africa

Market Assessment: Surfacing pollution mitigation solutions in East Africa Open Capital Advisors was appointed by SMEP to conduct a market assessment into possible pollution mitigation solutions in East Africa to support the SMEP procurement call (Piloting Technology solutions) by creating awareness of such solutions that could be implemented by manufacturers

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Journal publication

Mitigating Tannery Pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia

Mitigating Tannery Pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia The global leather market is worth more than $270 billion annually, and provides an important and accessible source of manufacturing exports for countries in the Global South. Leather is the source for a range of apparel items, including handbags, belts, shoes,

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Journal publication

Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution (SMEP) Programme: A Circular Economy Experiment in the Global South

Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution (SMEP) Programme: A circular economy experiment in the Global South The circular economy (CE) is a topic of growing interest, spurred by climate change and increasing recognition of the considerable costs of energy and materials waste, that reflect increasing stress on global environmental systems. Those

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