Since 2020, the SMEP programme has launched a series of six staggered competitive procurement calls for research (2 calls) and grant financing of pilot interventions (4 calls) that address plastic and manufacturing pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. As of 2024, several research contracts have been awarded, and a total of 27 pilot interventions across the target regions have been awarded grant funding through the SMEP Programme.
Procurement calls are now closed.
Procurement Approach
The SMEP Programme used an adaptive but competitive procurement approach for its various calls. Briefly, a two-stage procurement process was put in place: (1) releasing a Call for Concepts and shortlisting candidates, and (2) releasing a Call for Proposals to shortlisted candidates for final evaluation and selection. This was underpinned by continuous stakeholder engagement to ensure that calls reached the target audiences.
Developing the Terms of Reference
SMEP took a collaborative approach to designing the Terms of Reference for procurement calls, drawing on scoping research studies which indicated priority sectors which are most concerning for human and environmental health in focus regions as well as on both sector experts and value chain participants (e.g. manufacturers, buyers, traceability experts). This approach was taken to ensure that sector realities were addressed and to trial solutions that have application in the industry as well as a potential market and business case.
Draft Terms of Reference were reviewed by independent experts and relevant SMEP Independent Advisory Panel members before circulating.
Stakeholder engagement and outreach
For each thematic call, an approach was taken to ensure competitive but inclusive selection of impactful projects. A short brochure to detail the intent of the procurement call was circulated publicly prior to circulating the terms of reference. The Project management Agent circulated brochures to relevant networks, experts and all parties who had registered interest via the SMEP website. Focused engagement and networking was done on a continuous basis, so that when the PMA launched the procurement call, a network was in place to widely distribute the call.
Links to SMEP Baseline Research and Scoping Studies:
Baseline Research
Manufacturing pollution in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia: Implications for the environment, health and future work
Scoping Studies
- Synopsis Series 1: Country and Sector Priorities (Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania)
- Synopsis Series 1: Uptake of pollution mitigating technologies (Kenya and Uganda)
- Synopsis Series 1: Country and Sector Priorities (Bangladesh and Pakistan)
- Synopsis Series 1: country and Sector Priorities (Bangladesh)
Research publications
Mitigating Tannery Pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Public webinars were also held at the launch the of the Call for Concepts to ensure alignment on the purpose of the call, key requirements and scope restrictions. Webinars included information sharing on the programme due diligence requirements. Question and answer sessions were hosted by a panel made up of the SMEP PMA.
Selection process
SMEP adopted an open and competitive procurement process. Concept proposals were reviewed and scored independently by the internal technical team and external experts. The selection of shortlisted candidates was reviewed by selected independent moderators.
A “challenge session” process, whereby selected shortlisted candidates were invited to pitch their concept and respond to technical questions. This approach enabled a better analysis of concept proposals and highlighted gaps which could be strengthen for the proposal stage. Shortlisted candidates were confirmed with FCDO before advancing to proposal stage. Proposals were also assessed and scored independently, allowing for selection of the highest scoring candidates.
Shortlisting for contracting was informed by the highest scorers, ability to meet SMEP due diligence requirements, available budget and effort to ensure a complimentary value chain mix of solutions.
Past Procurement Calls
Between 2020 and 2024, the SMEP programme has launched a series of six staggered competitive procurement calls for research (2 calls) and grant financing of pilot interventions (4 calls) that address plastic and manufacturing pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

SMEP Research
In November 2020, SMEP launched two restricted procurement calls, focusing on Industrial Pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia:
- C_002: Development of detailed designs for future research: Prioritising pollution abatement intervention in the national context.
- C_003: Detailed Design for future SMEP intervention, Phase 1: Surfacing (private sector-led) opportunities for the practical application and scaling of pollution mitigation solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
- A summary table of past contracts and outputs under this call is available here and and via the resources page.
SMEP Plastic interventions
In May 2021, SMEP launched a call for addressing plastics pollution. The call remained open for seven weeks. 17 shortlisted applicants were invited to submit a full proposal, 10 of which were contracted for delivery. Please see more information on the plastics intervention page.
SMEP Manufacturing pollution interventions
SMEP launched the first of its procurement calls under the manufacturing pollution stream piloting technology solutions that address manufacturing pollution in East Africa in July 2022 and has since successfully procured SMEP grantees under the Textiles and Apparel as well as Tanneries and Leather themes.
Starting from July 2022, SMEP have been launching a series of staggered calls in the manufacturing pollution stream. Please see more information on the manufacturing pollution page.
In May 2021, SMEP launched a call for addressing plastics pollution. The call remained open for seven weeks. 17 shortlisted applicants were invited to submit a full proposal, 10 of which were contracted for delivery. Please see more information on the plastics procurement page.
In November 2020, SMEP launched two restricted procurement calls, focusing on Industrial Pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia:
- C_002: Development of detailed designs for future research: Prioritising pollution abatement intervention in the national context.
- C_003: Detailed Design for future SMEP intervention, Phase 1: Surfacing (private sector-led) opportunities for the practical application and scaling of pollution mitigation solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
A summary table of the current contracts under C_002 and C_003 is available here and on the Implementation to date page