The SMEP baseline research, conducted between 2020 and 2021, identifies and maps manufacturing activity in the SMEP target geographies and identifies the types of pollution associated with key manufacturing industries and the impact of this pollution on the environment and human health. This work was followed by more targeted research that was designed to gain a better understanding of localised and/or sector specific needs for SMEP funded interventions.
Grounded in this research, SMEP identified the following key areas in need of intervention:
- Circular Economy and Water
- Used Lead Acid Batteries
- Textiles and Apparel
- Tanneries and Leather
Please navigate to these sub-sectors below for more information on SMEP’s interventions within these sectors.
SMEP Resources on Manufacturing Pollution
- Manufacturing Pollution in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia: Implications for the environment, health and future work (SEI and the University of York, 2020)
- SMEP Market Assessment_Surfacing pollution mitigation solutions in East Africa, 2023
- Synopsis Series 1: Kenya and Uganda – Uptake of Pollution Mitigating Technologies, 2021
- Synopsis Series 1: Country and Sector (Bangladesh – Tanneries, 2021
- Synopsis Series 1: Country and Sector Priorities (Pakistan – Tanneries), 2021
- Synopsis Series 1: Country and Sector Priorities (Ethiopia – Tanneries), 2021
- Synopsis Series 1: Kenya – distilleries; Ethiopia – leather; Tanzania – Textiles (Teifa IQ, 2021).
- Synopsis Series 1: Bangladesh – Used Lead Acid Battery Manufacture; Pakistan – Tanneries (Global Alliance on Pollution and Health, 2022)
- Synopsis Series 1: Bangladesh – Used Lead Acid Batteries & Tanneries (Pure Earth, 2022)
- Hira, A., Pacini, H., Attafuah-Wadee, K., Sikander, M., Oruko, R., & Dinan, A. (2022). Mitigating Tannery Pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Journal of Developing Societies, 38(3), 360–383.
- Surfacing private pollution mitigation strategies in Kenya and Uganda (Open Capital Advisors), 2021