SMEP Resources

Organic Pyrolysis Market Assessment: A critical solution to the carbonisation of organic waste in Kenya and Uganda
This report investigates whether organic pyrolysis could be an effective technological solution to the current unsustainable rate of GHG emissions accredited to the many food & beverage industries in these countries.

Wastewater Treatment Market Assessment: Potential of membrane technology to neutralise wastewater pollutants in Kenya and Uganda
This report, prepared by Open Capital Advisors for the SMEP programme, provides a comparative assessment of the potential of membrane technology to address key challenges faced by many manufacturers in Kenya and Uganda.

SMEP Chapters: Tanzania, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kenya
SMEP Chapters: A video series exploring Tanzania, Kenya, Pakistan and Bangladesh View this series of videos produced by UNCTAD for the SMEP Programme to gain an understanding of the manufacturing and plastic pollution realities in these geographies.

Pollution from Manufacturing in Kenya and Uganda and Potential Private Responses
Pollution from Manufacturing in Kenya and Uganda and Potential Private Responses Based on research from Open Capital Advisors (OCA) in Kenya and Uganda, this sankey flowchart illustrates potential private-sector responses to mitigate manufacturing pollution from selected sectors of those countries, based on their export relevance. The list of solutions includes

Harmonised System (HS) Sub-headings for Plastic Substitutes
Harmonised System (HS) Subheadings for Plastic Substitutes The factsheet presents an illustrative list of substitute products for single-use plastics as well as the relevant feedstocks, used in their manufacture, together with the corresponding Harmonised System codes and product descriptions at the six-digit level.

The role of exports in manufacturing pollution: Bangladesh
The role of exports in manufacturing pollution: Bangladesh A lifecycle analysis of selected manufacturing exports from Bangladesh reveals various effects on the environmental and human health. The analysis shows the importance of the textile sector in all the impact categories, considering the cradle-to-gate and the gate-to-gate system boundary. The textile