SMEP Resources
Opportunities for Plastic Substitution in Critical Economic Sectors of Developing Countries
This is a summary of a longer report exploring potential alternatives to conventional plastics in three sectors central to the economies of many developing nations: food export packaging, fishing gear, and agricultural applications.
Plastics Management and Recycling amid Global Governance Change
Using a mixed method approach, this report examines the plastic portfolio intervention projects under the SMEP Programme, identifies lessons learned from the contextual and policy environment in which they operate as well as documents their business ecosystems, through which their social and environmental impact can be better understood.
Secondhand Clothing Markets
This research reports investigates the market dynamics of the secondhand clothing trade in Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania, two Least Developed Countries. Under this challenging economic context, individuals and families have limited disposable income, making affordability of products essential for consumers, who often resort to secondhand product markets.
Plastic Reduction and Management: Summary of Recommendations
This report addresses the critical need for comprehensive and effective strategies to combat the plastic pollution crisis in East and West Africa, with a particular focus on Kenya, Nigeria, and Ghana. It is an extract of the Environmental Coalition on Standards (ECOS) report of the same title, providing policy and
Practical tips for incorporating the GESI and LNB agendas into SMEP grant funding applications and project delivery
‘Gender Equality and Social Inclusivity’ and the ‘Leave No One Behind’ Agendas Practical tips for incorporating the GESI and LNB agendas into SMEP grant funding applications and project delivery (Version 4) The SMEP Programme addresses aspects of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) in two areas: (1) Research and (2)
SMEP Business case
The SMEP Business Case provides a full narrative summary of why UK Government support is needed, what the funds will be spent on, where, over what period of time, and what the programme will deliver.