Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution Programme

SMEP Impact:
Gender equity and social inclusion


The SMEP Programme funds a diverse range of projects within the manufacturing sector and so a wide range of opportunities to promote gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) present. Grantees are requested to factor GESI into proposal development and are provided with guidance as to areas that may be relevant to their projects through a SMEP-specific practical guide, which also includes Leave No One Behind (LNB), and Do no Harm and Safeguarding aspects. SMEP provides support and guidance to grantees through GESI Tips and Tools

These assist grantees to develop an understanding of the opportunities for incorporating GESI principles and objectives into their project teams, their implementation areas, communities, and supply chains. Grantees are also encouraged to allocate a portion of their project budget specifically for GESI activities, and are required to report on progress and impact.

The SMEP Programme also commits to providing equal opportunities, increasing supply chain resilience and capacity, as per HMG’s Social Value Model1 – specifically, Theme 2, “Tackling Economic Inequality” and Theme 4 “Equal Opportunity”. While this Social Value Model is targeted and tailored for use by central government departments (and related agencies), the themes and policy outcomes align with the GESI and LNB opportunities that SMEP aims to deliver.

1. This Social Value Model aims to ensure that the government’s projects and programmes provide additional, more comprehensive community or public benefits, such as creating new businesses, increasing supply chain resilience, and reducing employment gaps (of underrepresented and disadvantaged groups).

Areas where social value can be promoted in SMEP

GESI mainstreaming in SMEP grantee projects

SMEP project grantees address GESI in two central ways:

  1. Research: SMEP Grantees are required to consider opportunities for meaningful contributions to the body of research on Gender and Social Equity in manufacturing, including:
    • The environmental health impacts of pollution from manufacturing, and
    • The impact of solutions (technical or business model) on GESI (health or other).
  2. Impact: SMEP grantees should propose solutions for piloting either business models, technical interventions, or even policy changes that should consider:
    • Present opportunities to improve Gender and Social Equity dimensions as part of the technology or business model being developed, and
    • The systems that would be required to implement, manage and measure interventions.

SMEP grantees have undertaken various actions depending on the project type and maturity. Projects are assessed according to GESI mainstreaming levels, which have been adapted from UK Pact’s Guidance on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) (Version 1, 2021).

Level 1 | GESI not considered:
At this level, the grant project has not considered GESI at all in relation to their project.
It is not anticipated that any projects will be at this level. All SMEP grantees were required to provide context specific GESI considerations during proposals and project development.

Level 2 | GESI Sensitisation:
The grant project has identified unequal gendered norms or the socioeconomic and gendered impacts of tested solutions or proposed technologies in the project teams, communities, and supply chains.

Level 3 | GESI Responsive:
A project would be at this level if projects have undertaken activities to address the challenges identified in Level 2.  
There may be broader long-term opportunities for women and marginalised groups. These initiatives would create wider opportunities that can lead to sustainable improvements. Actions could include training and skills development or investing in micro-business opportunities within the supply chain.
This is the target level for all grantees.

Level 4 | Identify and implement broader opportunities:
A project would be at this level if learnings from the SMEP-funded project have been shared more widely with external stakeholders, and/or the project has implemented transformative actions that could bring about wider, long-lasting and/or transformative societal changes.

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