Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution Programme


Plastic Substitution: Current Initiatives and Potential Options for the Pacific

Plastic pollution is perhaps one of the most significant environmental concerns across the Pacific region. This report developed by UNDP and UNCTAD provides an overview of current initiatives and potential plastic substitution options for the Pacific Region, including examples from SMEP-grantee GAIA Biomaterials and Catchgreen.

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Lost at Sea: Combating Abandoned, Lost, and Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear

Plastic pollution has a severe impact on oceans and marine life. This report, produced by the World Bank’s PROBLUE Programme, summarises actions that can be taken to manage abandoned, lost and otherwise discarded fishing gear, and features the SMEP grantee, Catchgreen, as a case study for biodegradable fishing gear.

Lost at Sea: Combating Abandoned, Lost, and Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear Read More »

Solutions in Traditional Knowledge: Gravity water filters

This study examines the challenge of improving water access to meet SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), while also reducing dependence on plastic-based water delivery systems, such as those using polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) sachets by considering the traditional technology of ceramic gravity filters.

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Plastics Management and Recycling amid Global Governance Change

Using a mixed method approach, this report examines the plastic portfolio intervention projects under the SMEP Programme, identifies lessons learned from the contextual and policy environment in which they operate as well as documents their business ecosystems, through which their social and environmental impact can be better understood.

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Secondhand Clothing Markets

This research reports investigates the market dynamics of the secondhand clothing trade in Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania, two Least Developed Countries. Under this challenging economic context, individuals and families have limited disposable income, making affordability of products essential for consumers, who often resort to secondhand product markets.

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