Production of eco-friendly roofing materials from plastic waste

Background Information

In Zimbabwe, the Chinhoyi University of Technology and Kudiwa Waste and Energy Solutions (KWES) teamed up to prototype and produce solar roofing tiles from plastic waste composite material. By creating a demand for plastic waste as feedstock for the roof tiles, the potential of this model plays a vital role in supporting the increased collection of plastic waste and improved revenues for existing waste collectors.

The scaled manufacture of the roof tiles brings several advantages, including waste collection in underserved areas and diverting plastics from formal and informal dumpsites where open incineration is often the most widely practised means of disposal. The solar photovoltaic aspect to the roof tiles provides an affordable, sustainable clean energy solution in a region where energy supplies are critically low. The concept has potential to contribute to Greenhouse gas reductions through avoided incineration and clean energy supply in the long term. Furthermore, the concept has the economic advantages of promoting livelihoods for plastic waste pickers looking for local markets in an environment with limited income opportunities. The solar roof tiles also have the potential to bridge the energy access gap in Zimbabwe from the limited reliability of the electricity supply.


Successful traction was gained over the running of the project. However, due to contextual challenges, is has now been brought to a premature close.

Prior to closing, the project contributed to the removal of over 30 tonnes of plastic from the environment. This plastic was collected by waste pickers in the area, many of whom were women, and sold to the KWES Facility for processing.

Despite facing real contextual challenges around an unstable national power supply, the project team managed to improve production efficiency and reduce the production costs of their roof tiles without compromising the product’s quality. This was done through new formulations, the use of low-priced plastic and increased energy-use efficiency.

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January 2022 – April 2024



Countries of Implementation

Consortium Partners

Kudiwa Waste and Energy Solutions

Showcase Resources

Production of eco-friendly roofing materials from plastic waste: Project Profile Sheet

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