Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution Programme

Used Lead Acid Batteries

Poisoned power: Why lead-acid batteries need a cleaner and greener alternative

Invented more than 160 years ago, lead-acid batteries, which are reliable and cheap, are still the most widely used rechargeable batteries despite containing toxic lead. The UNCTAD Weekly Tradecast looks at lead-acid batteries and why they remain so popular despite the world moving towards greener energy with UN Trade and Development’s (UNCTAD) Henrique Pacini.

Poisoned power: Why lead-acid batteries need a cleaner and greener alternative Read More »

Manufacturing pollution in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia: Implications for the environment, health and future work

Manufacturing pollution in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia Implications for the environment, health and future work A scoping study was commissioned by the SMEP programme at the inception of the initiative to lay the foundational base for understanding the consequences of environmental degradation caused by manufacturing industries in these two regions. Despite acknowledging limitations in

Manufacturing pollution in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia: Implications for the environment, health and future work Read More »

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