Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution Programme

Tanneries Sector

Organic residues: A sustainable solution to plastic pollution and development

Good management of organic residues, a renewable resource, is often overlooked but constitutes a powerful tool to improve livelihoods and tackle plastic pollution. In Kenya, SMEP-supported organic waste projects are showcasing how circular economy principles can benefit communities. By transforming organic residues into valuable products, these initiatives create jobs, empower marginalised groups, and promote sustainable practices.

Organic residues: A sustainable solution to plastic pollution and development Read More »

The Green Tannery Initiative: Enzymatic unhairing and sustainable waste utilisation in the Ethiopian Leather Sector

The global leather industry is at a critical point in adopting sustainable practices to reduce its environmental impact. Recognising this, the CSIR-CLRI and consortium partners aim to improve the environmental and economic sustainability of the Ethiopian leather sector throught eh Green Tannery Initiative.

The Green Tannery Initiative: Enzymatic unhairing and sustainable waste utilisation in the Ethiopian Leather Sector Read More »

LeatherTrace Bangladesh: Traceable and Circular leather production in Bangladesh

This project seeks to address key environmental impacts from the tanneries and leather sector by developing and piloting a digitised traceability and environmental footprint system that will assist tanneries in Bangladesh to transition to more sustainable methods of production in their manufacturing processes.

LeatherTrace Bangladesh: Traceable and Circular leather production in Bangladesh Read More »

Improving environmental and social conditions in the Tannery Industrial Estate in Savar, Bangladesh

The tanneries sector is critical to Bangladesh’s economy, but the industry has many environmentally destructive practices, such as the dumping of toxic waste into water sources, that lead to detrimental environmental and health impacts. The Ethical Trading Initiative, and consortium partners, are aiming to address these challenges by working with 40 tanneries in the Savar Tannery Estate to mainstream environmental and human health considerations into their operations.

Improving environmental and social conditions in the Tannery Industrial Estate in Savar, Bangladesh Read More »

Pakistan Leather Sector: Traceability, Cleaner Production and Circularity

The project aims at addressing pollution and human impacts associated with Pakistan leather sector by enhancing the manufacturing process and  building capacity of public sector and value chain players through a three-pronged approach. It includes the development of a digital traceability toolkit, creating circular products from waste and decreasing pollution in wastewater by utilising enzymes.

Pakistan Leather Sector: Traceability, Cleaner Production and Circularity Read More »

Mitigating Tannery Pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia

Mitigating Tannery Pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia The global leather market is worth more than $270 billion annually, and provides an important and accessible source of manufacturing exports for countries in the Global South. Leather is the source for a range of apparel items, including handbags, belts, shoes, wallets, gloves, and various other

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