Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution Programme

Organic Waste

Organic residues: A sustainable solution to plastic pollution and development

Good management of organic residues, a renewable resource, is often overlooked but constitutes a powerful tool to improve livelihoods and tackle plastic pollution. In Kenya, SMEP-supported organic waste projects are showcasing how circular economy principles can benefit communities. By transforming organic residues into valuable products, these initiatives create jobs, empower marginalised groups, and promote sustainable practices.

Organic residues: A sustainable solution to plastic pollution and development Read More »

Fashion with a peel: How crop waste is making sustainable textiles and creating jobs

For every banana or pineapple we eat, much of the plant is discarded during harvesting or processing. The UNCTAD Weekly Tradecast looks at how we can make sustainable fabrics and other materials recycled from agricultural waste with UN Trade and Development economist Henrique Pacini.

Fashion with a peel: How crop waste is making sustainable textiles and creating jobs Read More »

Can cities in East Africa become Zero-Waste? An innovative partnership model shows a route to achieve this

A Kenya-based entrepreneurial partnership between TakaTaka Solutions and Chanzi Ltd – who launched a business model in response to the SMEP Programme grant funding opportunity – has contributed to the scaling of an impactful waste management business model from Kenya into Tanzania.

Can cities in East Africa become Zero-Waste? An innovative partnership model shows a route to achieve this Read More »

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