Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution Programme

SMEP impact:
greenhouse gas emissions reduction

The FCDO (Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office) commits to greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction through various initiatives, one of which is the ICF (International Climate Finance) as part of its broader strategy to address climate change and align with international climate goals such as those outlined in the Paris Agreement. 

In 2023 the SMEP programme began monitoring and reporting on the GHG emission reduction associated with the projects under funding.  SMEP has taken an approach of an appropriate but proportionate GHG mitigation assessment methodology(s) for the programme which is strongly consistent/aligns with the ICF KPI6.  The first SMEP GHG Emission Reduction Reports were submitted to the ICF in March 2024.

Three thematic areas of SMEP that have been included  for the aggregate reporting, viz.  plastic pollution, organic waste, and textile production.   Simplified baselines have been developed under each portfolio theme and conservative assumptions and parameters have been applied.  The projects within these portfolios are expected to achieve total GHG emission reductions of 254,235 tCO2e. This is based on the conservative assumption of a seven-year lifespan for each project within the three portfolios.  Of the total emissions, 95% (239,756 tCO2e) are Scope 1 emissions savings.  As more projects begin to implement under the textiles and tanneries procurement theme, the total emission reduction attributed to SMEP funding are expected to rise.

To date, detailed methodologies have been developed for three of the projects:  Mananasi Fibre, The SMEP Flipflopi Project and the RiverRecycle Project.

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